Safety Policy


Adult Spanish Academy



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===============================================================================================================================================MINNESOTA ADULT SPANISH ACADEMY SAFETY POLICY FOR FIELDTRIP/CLASS/ACTIVITY: 


The director and staff of the Minnesota Adult Spanish Academy, (hereafter known as the Academy) will make every effort to operate an efficient, safe and secure field trip, class or activity in order to maximize your learning experience and at the same time to have an interesting and fun experience. 

1.  I am registering for a field trip, class or other activity sponsored by the Academy.  I have read, understand and agree to the following statements:Transportation to, from, and between field trip/class/activity venues is my responsibility. Transportation is not part of the field trip, class or activity sponsored by the Academy. I will either drive myself or form carpools with other participants and I hereby accept all responsibility for any harm, accident, injury or other civil or criminal action as a result of this transportation. In plain language, I agree to this safety policy and I will not sue anybody for anything related to the operation of the Academy or any activities connected therewith. I have the minimum car insurance required by State law or other governing bodies or, if in a carpool, will ensure that the driver and/or owner has the required insurance. I will not drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol, nor will I ride with another person driving who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.  I will wear my seat belt at all times when driving or riding in a motor vehicle.  I recognize and affirm that I am responsible for my own safety.     2.  I understand that part of the field trip, class or activity may require that I must go up the stairs or take the elevator and that there is some walking required, most of which is on level ground or inside on level flooring.  In plain language, I agree to this safety policy and I will not sue anybody for anything related to the operation of the Academy or any activities connected therewith.  I understand that there is very minimal chance of accident or injury in the any of the field trip/class/activity venues, but I do understand there is always a remote chance of accident, injury, harm, or grievance so, therefore, I do agree to hold harmless the owners/operators/managers/staff/employees/members of any venue used by the Academy and all family members thereof and the Academy, its director, staff, and teachers, and any family members thereof, from any claim of negligence or in the case of accident or injury from any legal claim, suit, grievance or demand. I recognize and affirm that I am responsible for my own safety.   3.  Part of this field trip, class or activity may be on and/or near water I understand that activities on or near water pose additional risks.  In plain language, I agree to this safety policy and I will not sue anybody for anything related to the operation of the Academy or any activities connected therewith. I understand that I must wear a life jacket (personal flotation device) at all times when I am on or near the water. I should wear suitable clothing or equipment to maintain my own safety and comfort.   I hold harmless the driver, owner, operator of the boat, his or her family members and employees, any volunteers involved in this activity, and the staff, teachers, family members, volunteers, or any other person in any way involved in the operation of this field trip or activity, including the staff and family members of the Academy.  

After reading and agreeing to the above statements, please initial on the line on the Registration Form following the words "I accept".  GRACIAS.  Minnesota Adult Spanish Academy  

Adult Spanish Academy



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